Born January 23, 2005

the "Inspirational Songs" litter

3 boys and 7 girls born to


Ch. Promise Me the Moon Wyvern


Promise's Utopia

| see pictures of the puppies here |

Planned for 2005


Sometime in 2005, Kita (Ch. Zimistraija's Nikita) will be bred to...


DC Rising Star's Kalipso, SC FCh

The Star litter

Ch. Chataqua's Flame of Promise
ex. Ch. Chataqua's Promise Symphony Kyrov
whelped 2003

see the litter


The Utopia/Paradise litter

Promise is proud to announce the beautiful show puppies out of my Chataqua/Kyrov-bred red boy Flame and my Swedish Birk granddaughter Kita.  At 4 months of age they are tall with nice short hocks and beautiful heads, and possess their mother's extreme reach and drive.

Ch. Chataqua's Flame of Promise
ex. Ch. Zimistraija Nikita (Swed. Imp.)
whelped January 20, 2002

Valhalla (Chataqua), Nirvana, Heaven, Eden (available), Paradise (staying at  Promise), Shangri-La (staying at Promise), Utopia (staying at Promise), Xanadu (Chataqua), Ambrosia (Kyrov)


The "60's" litter

Ch. Promise's Tonka Truck
ex. Ch. Chataqua Mystery of Promise
whelped August 16, 2001

The "Moon" litter

Ch. Chataqua's Moonspinner of Kyrov, JC 
ex. Ch. Chataqua's Promise Symphony Kyrov
whelped April 28, 1999

see the litter

The "Toy" Litter

BIF DC Chataqua Draconian Lulaby of G-A, SC CGC "Nigel"
ex. Chataqua's Restless Wind Kyrov "Skye"
whelped November 17, 1998

see the litter


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